Basement & Foundation Waterproofing Services

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Common problems such as leaking, humid, wet, and sewage smelling basements can be easily handled by our plumbers.

Our team provides permanent basement sealing services in Gatineau ensuring that basements are watertight and stench-free.

Waterproofing of the basement both on the interior and the exterior is carried out using state of the art technologies and procedures. These technologies allow the repair of cracks in the basement or foundation without affecting the structural integrity of your home.

Exterior Waterproofing

Through waterproofing the basement, the home will stay free from foundation issues, mildew, mold, and water damage. Water seeping in the basement is a recipe for major issues to the integrity of the home. The repair of such damage would be extremely expensive. Give us a call today to get a free assessment of the foundation of your home.

Carrying out exterior waterproofing will eliminate any issues associated with seeping water. The basement will in effect remain dry and free from mold. We work closely with the Quebec locates team who comes in at the beginning of any works to identify the location of underground gas lines and utilities.

A successful waterproofing project will follow these ten steps:


The very first step is the excavating the perimeter of the basement wall foundation deep down to the footings. The trench is dug 2 feet out from the wall and the soil placed on tarps to prevent a total mess.


The exterior of the basement walls is then cleaned and inspected to identify cracks, holes, and voids.


Any identified defects are then filled with hydraulic cement. Hydraulic cement uniquely serves this purpose since it will expand to seal any cracks.


Where necessary, cement parging will be applied on the basement wall to increase strength and provide a base for waterproofing layers.


For brick and cinder block, the parging is allowed to dry before the waterproof coating is applied from footings level to grade. A Blueskin membrane added to the concrete foundation will ensure a dry basement.


As the first line of proofing between the basement and the soil, a dimpled waterproof membrane is attached to the basement. The dimples provide air spaces that help to drain water to the weeping tiles.


Weeping tiles alongside filter cloth are installed next to the footings with a direct connection to the foundation drain system. To ensure drainage to the foundation drain; clean course gravel is used to cover the weeping tiles.


A water test is done to ascertain that the system is draining well and if followed by backfilling the excavation.


A tamping device is used during backfilling to prevent the settling of soil.


Finally, the team will carry out a thorough cleanup to return the property to its original state.

The successful project will carry a 25-year waterproofing guarantee.

I am very satisfied with the plumbers at Plombier Gatineau. I called for emergency repair and the plumber was at home within 30 minutes! Very friendly, experienced and efficient.

Jean R.

J’avais un robinet cassé et les employés de Plombier Gatineau sont venus chez moi, ils étaient charmants. Ils m’ont fourni d’excellents services à un prix raisonnable. Je n’hésiterais pas à les recommander à ma famille et mes amis !

France B.

Interior Waterproofing

Here are three reasons why interior waterproofing is superior to exterior waterproofing:

It is the method of choice where space concerns or limited access prevents exterior access to the basement wall.


If the problem is identified as a hydrostatic pressure problem whereby ground water seeps through the concrete slab or at the junction of the floor with the wall. Often, the problem points to the presence of an underground creek under the home.


Interior waterproofing is cost effective where living areas are unfinished.



A foot wide channel is cut into the concrete floor along the inside perimeter of the basement wall until the footing is exposed.


Weeping tiles are installed in the channel and connected to a floor drain or a sump pump.


A dimpled membrane is fixed to the entire wall from the ceiling to the bottom of the channel.


Gravel is used to covering the weeping tiles.


Finally, the channel is filled with concrete and is finished off well to the original state.

With interior waterproofing, drainage can be added to the inside of the home. That implies that the water inflow can be routed to an appropriate discharge point. The system will intercept any water from under the footings and seep through the wall.

The Sump Pump

The point of discharge is a major component of any waterproofing system. A sump pump will be required in cases where the existing drainage is blocked, or there are not additional drainage options.

At the lowest point of the basement waterproofing system, a pit is dug and lined with a high-quality plastic liner. Water is then allowed to flow by gravity into the pit.

Choose one of the very Best – choose Plombier Gatineau

You can trust the friendly and competent plumbing professionals from Plombier Gatineau (CP & Son) with all these issues.

Call our Gatineau plumbers today at (819) 317-0262 or send us an email now.