Checking your home’s water pressure

The easiest and most trusted way is to verify your water pressure via a specialized gauge. The use of the water pressure gauge is especially important because there is no one specific setting that is universally accepted by absolutely everyone. So it helps to put a number to your water pressure, to compare it to the average PSI (pounds per square inch) of 40-80 PSI. It is vital for home inspectors especially to make use of these handy tools, as any kind of reading should be well-documented for potential future purposes.

At any good hardware store, you can pick up a water pressure gauge of your own for about ten dollars. Not only are these inexpensive, but they are also very easy to use. They require no skill whatsoever to operate, so that anybody can keep track of their water pressure if they find themselves with a reason to.

The best place to test the water pressure is at an outside faucet. Screw the gauge onto the faucet, and see what the results are. Some individuals might get surprisingly high readings if there is no pressure reducer built into that part of the system. If this happens, check a faucet inside the house-like where the washing machine hooks up. If you get a high reading the second time, then you’ll have verified that the water pressure is actually high and the system might be in need of a water pressure reducer.

If for any reason there is no water pressure gauge on hand, then it’s easy to analyze your water pressure with what is called the “multi-flow test.” To do this, start up a large plumbing appliance like a washing machine or dishwasher and then run multiple sinks at once. Turn on the shower or bathroom faucet and check its pressure to see if it is to your liking. If the water pressure is too high, then your plumber can likely install a water pressure reducer into your system.

Unfortunately if the water pressure is too low, things can be more complicated. Low water pressure can be caused by a host of things, including some serious problems.